November 7-9, 2025
Price: $185 – Includes two nights lodging, four meals, and a program fee.
Do you have questions about the Bible? Have you ever wondered what evidence surrounds the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Join us this Fall as we discover that our questions have compelling answers waiting to be uncovered. Whether you are exploring what following Jesus is really all about, or you are seeking to grow in your faith and gain a deeper understanding of the essential truths of Christianity, this weekend is for you!
But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.
Proposed Schedule
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8:00 pm – Worship
Group Leader Meeting afterwards
Snack Break
9:30 pm – Church Group Time
11:30 pm – Curfew
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Breakfast at your assigned time
- 8:30 am – Quiet Time
- 9:00 am – Worship
- 10:30 am – Church Group Time
Lunch at your assigned time
- 1:30-4:30 pm – Free Time/Recreation Activities, PX and Gym Open
Supper at your assigned time
- 7:30 pm – Worship & Concert
- 9:30 pm – Hangout Time/Break
- 9:30-10:30 pm – PX and Gym Open
- 10:30 pm Church Group Time
- 11:30 pm Curfew
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Breakfast in Large Cafeteria at your assigned time
9:00 am – Morning Worship in Hatch Auditorium

Speaker: Alex McFarland
As a Christian apologist, author, evangelist, religion and culture analyst, and advocate for biblical truth, Alex McFarland speaks worldwide. He has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel. He’s well-known for his daily radio show, Exploring the Word (Mon-Fri at 3pm Eastern on afr.net). Alex is an avid guitar collector and has played onstage with the Beach Boys. In addition, he’s a huge peanut butter fan and has his own peanut butter brand.

Worship Leader: Mark & Jordan Page
Mark and Jordan Page have spent over 8 years in worship and student ministry together and have recorded multiple albums and singles as recording artists. Mark is the worship pastor at Cary First Baptist Church in Cary, NC and has been writing and recording music for 15+ years. They have a passion for leading people to encounter God. They have been married for eight years, have four kids, and cannot wait to connect with God and students at the Fall Youth Conference!
How to Register
Use the button on this page to access the event registration form. Please return this form and full payment to 100 Caswell Beach RoadOak Island, NC 28465
If you have any questions, please give us a call during regular office hours: (M-F, 8am –5pm) at (910) 278-9501.
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